Quality Assurance



Quality lies at the heart of our sustainable retreading ecosystem. Everything we do is based on delivering the highest standards to customers. Testament of our commitment is our ISO9001:2008 quality management systems (QMS) certification by the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM), which serves as the base for our quality assurance and total quality management (TQM) initiatives.

As such, every single aspect of our operations is driven by a strong quality focus from the sourcing of raw materials to production processes as well as delivery of products, services and solutions to customers which include customer service support and engagement.

Our global customer base is further reflection of our ability to deliver world-class quality across the map with 53% of our sales from overseas markets – Asia, Europe, Africa and others.

In keeping with the trends, we continue to invest extensively in R & D, cutting edge technology and in leading the way through innovation. In fact, Eversafe was the first in Malaysia to use state-of-the-art equipment for rubber compounding.